Anticipating the Behavioral Challenges of COVID-19 & Civil Unrest (Dec 9)
This webinar will help professionals working in emergency management, business continuity, security and public safety roles better manage the consequences of the current threat landscape. Steve Crimando of Behavioral Science Applications LLC, will address the unique behavioral elements of COVID-19 and civil unrest, as well as providing approaches to anticipating and responding to the human impacts of these events.

ShakeOut - for Staff Working from Home (Oct 21)
Caltech's Margaret Vinci will discuss the challenges of preparing for a disaster duri ng times of COVID-19. Since so many staff are working from home offices, make sure they are included in your disaster plans & ShakeOut Drill. Resources for the ShakeOut Drill for staff working from home will be provided.
Webinar Flyer Here Video recording is available to BICEPP members (Member Only Access)

The Birth of CERT (Sep 2)
LAFD Assistant Fire Chief Frank Borden, aka “The Father of CERT”. Frank will talk about the - Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program from the beginnings in Los Angeles to the nationwide FEMA program we know today.
BICEPP The Birth of CERT Flyer.pdf Video recording is available to BICEPP member (Member Only Access)

EARTHQUAKES: Why all businesses SHOULD do what California Hospitals MUST Do (Jun 24)
Join BICEPP board member Glen Granholm of Safe-T-Proof, for an informative talk covering recent changes to the California Building Code as well as guidance from OSHPD (The Office of Statewide Healthcare Planning & Development) that clarify the changes. These resources can make it easier for organizations to decide what items in their facility should be secured in advance of an earthquake.

How Social Media Has Devastated Public Relations (Feb 12)
How has social media has changed the relationship a company has with the public during and after a crisis? Ken Kondo, an expert in dealing with the press and social media, will share his experiences and answer questions on how social media has changed our world.
Devastated Social Media BICEPP Flyer.pdf